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Interview With Heloise Magny the Director, Writer & Producer of the Keep Painting, Mom

Keep Painting, Mom won Best Animation Film & Best Women Director in the 11th Season of MP Film Award Heloise Magny Director, Writer & Producer of the Film Keep Painting, Mom agree to interview with us.

Heloise Magny

Heloise Magny: Heloise has a strong interest for storytelling and visual effects.

She owns a bachelor degree in visual effects from the Academy of Art University of San Francisco and is now working for MPC as a Layout artist, in the photography department.

She worked on many projects, such as her first short film ''Helena's Dream'' which was nominated for best animated film and won the ''best director animation'' and ''best foreign film award'' at the Los Angeles Independent Film Festival Awards in 2015. She won two awards of merit at the Accolade Global Film Competition and at the Best Shorts competition in California.Her most recent film ‘’Keep Painting, Mom’’ is winning prizes in international competitions

Poster Keep Painting, Mom

About The Film: Synopsis: Keep Painting, Mom Film Synopsis:

The film, endorsed by the Association of Psychologists of Quebec, is fourteen minutes long. This animation about the power of art and love was created to give hope to people suffering from depression around the world and to remind us of our inner strength. The film uses 2d and 3d animation, along with digital painting methods : characters are evolving inside a painting.

What was your drive behind making this film?

Heloise Magny: I had problems as as teenager, I was not finding my place in the world – basically there was no place for artists in my school (they were pushing us to go to Science) so I ended up drawing in my free time to get out of my darkness.

How do you feel when you are awarded with the MP FILM AWARD Award.

Heloise Magny: I felt very proud ! Each awards tells me that some people watched and loved the film, along with understanding the message, which is important to me.

Can you tell us about the greatest moment during shooting this film?

Heloise Magny: In the editing phase, when finishing the last shots and putting all together with the music – this is where I realized that everything worked as planned, and that was a relief ! ;)

How rigorously did you stick to the script while shooting?

Heloise Magny: I had a script, but ended up changing quite a lot, because of a lack of budget. In the end, I think it gave a better film than it used to be in writing.

Where there any onset problems During the filming of the film & how did you deal with it?

Heloise Magny: Rendering time (this is an animation) was mostly the problem – when you have a small budget, you have sometimes only one computer to render.

Do you have any advice for young filmmakers out there? Or like yourself?

Heloise Magny: To not wait for a lot of money to start – revise your script based on your budget, and tell your story the way you can !

Do you think it is essential to go to a film institute in order to become a successful filmmaker?

Heloise Magny: I do think it is better to have a basic training, not necessarily in an institute, but a diploma or courses in art/film will definitely help. It also helps you learn to accept critics.

Which film has inspired you the most?

Heloise Magny: Sin City, for the visual style

Which particular filmmaker has influenced you the most?

Heloise Magny: Christopher Nolan

Which book would you love to make a film out of one day?

Heloise Magny: Ice People (René Barjavel)

If you got the opportunity to go back in time & change something in any particular movie of yours, then which movie & what changes will you opt for?

Heloise Magny: If I could go back in time for my first film, I would just change the look of the environments in it (for my film ‘’Helena’s Dream’’)

If you were to shoot the film again, what would you do differently?

Heloise Magny: I would probably use another type of renderer

What is your greatest achievement to date?

Heloise Magny: I think my second film (animated) of 14 minutes is my greatest achievement – the subject was difficult but I created something good with it.

How do you pick yourself up after a failed film?

Heloise Magny: I never fail. Just kidding. I think it is by doing another one that you get better. Learning from your mistakes is the most important thing.

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Heloise Magny:

Twitter : @DigitalGriffix




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