I'm coming! won Best Short Film - More than $10,000 in the 11th Season of MP Film Award Maria Forslin Director & Writer of the Film I'm coming! agree to interview with us.
Maria Forslin: In 2016 Maria founded her production company Mittfilmand has since then produced and directed five short films and one feature film. She is also part of a film collective (Nordic Narrative) and has directed two episodes of a TV-series 2021.
About The Film: Synopsis: I'm coming! Film Synopsis:
A group of teenagers party outside. Anja, a seemingly quiet and shy girl, gets an opportunity (via the game hide-and-seek) to be alone with Simon whose girlfriend Isabella counts. Alone with each other and bit drunk, they hook up. They reach their climax when Isabella shouts “I’m coming!”
Trailer of "I'm coming!"
What was your drive behind making this film?
Maria Forslin: The Swedish Film Institute was looking for more rom-coms and wanted people to send in their scripts to a contest called “It’s Love”. A fellow film maker came up with the concept, I thought it was great so we sat down to come up with the story, build the characters and so on.
How do you feel when you are awarded with the MP FILM AWARD Award.
Maria Forslin: I felt so happy!! You put in so much work every time you make a movie so it is an awesome feeling when you’re being awarded.
Can you tell us about the greatest moment during shooting this film?
Maria Forslin: Working with Bengt Wallin (the gaffer). We have worked together many times but this was his last film, he passed away two month after the shoot.
How rigorously did you stick to the script while shooting?
Maria Forslin: Pretty much sticked to it, we made some changes in the dialogue during the rehearsals.
Where there any onset problems During the filming of the film & how did you deal with it?
Maria Forslin: Yes, it was stormy outside, on one of the days (and we only had two days, both outside). We shifted the days and took the scene buy the fire on the other day but the forecast changed all the time so we made the swap just before shooting the film.
Do you have any advice for young filmmakers out there? Or like yourself?
Maria Forslin: Just keep making films, no budget if it comes to it so you can work on your craft.
Do you think it is essential to go to a film institute in order to become a successful filmmaker?
Maria Forslin: No, it helps but I think you can create great things without a big budget.
Which film has inspired you the most?
Maria Forslin: I really like Pan’s Labyrinth.
Which particular filmmaker has influenced you the most?
Maria Forslin: Don’t have one particular, I find inspiration everywhere.
Which book would you love to make a film out of one day?
Maria Forslin: Can’t think of one that hasn’t already been made into a film.
If you got the opportunity to go back in time & change something in any particular movie of yours, then which movie & what changes will you opt for?
Maria Forslin: More shooting days for my feature film, but it was a question of money. You always learn by doing and learn from your mistakes so I don’t think you should be too hard on yourself.
If you were to shoot the film again, what would you do differently?
Maria Forslin: This one, nothing.
What is your greatest achievement to date?
Maria Forslin: My feature film Gryning/Break of Day
How do you pick yourself up after a failed film?
Maria Forslin: Like I said before: You always learn by doing and learn from your mistakes so I don’t think you should be too hard on yourself.
Where our viewers can catch you (share your social media)?
Maria Forslin: www.facebook.com/mittfilm